SDBC Bike Handling and Crit Clinic
Beginners and Intermediate racers who are hungry for race-craft knowledge are best served in this clinic. The goal of this clinic is to provide a structured environment to safely learn general skills necessary for successful racing.
30 March (Saturday)
Huennekens Course: 9560Waples St. San Diego
PRICE: FREE for SDBC Members.
- Must pre-register
Beginners and Intermediate racers who are hungry for race-craft knowledge are best served in this clinic
Be sure you register for the evening events prior to the clinic
The goal of this clinic is to provide a structured environment to safely learn general skills necessary for successful racing
Riders will have the opportunity to dictate the curriculum based upon survey results
Register once and attend both clinics
General skills covered, depending on questionnaire answers:
- Basic Pack Skills (protecting your front wheel and your space)
- Cornering
- Formation
- Sprinting Basics
- Proximity- getting comfortable at close quarters
- Race Scenarios/ Mock Racing
- Other rider requested skills