Rider Highlight: Sylvia Maas tackles Haleakala

Sylvia Maas never shies away from a challenge. She recently took on the infamous Haleakala climb on Maui. The road to the top of Haleakala on Maui is the longest continual climb in the world. Sea level to 10,000 feet in 36 miles. Sylvia and her coach, Adam Mills, have been working on power to tackle this long…

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How to Corner in Gravel

SE Coach and FoCo Fondofest promoter Zack Allison spends a lot of time training on Northern Colorado’s gravel roads…while cornering in gravel is instinctual to him, for a lot of folks, it’s something that takes a hot moment to learn if you are unfamiliar. Check out these tips from Zack (originally posted for FoCo Fondo…

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Peaking during crit season with Matt Bosman

There’s a few different ways to build your periodization around crit or general road season. Periodization is key in cycling and coaching. Even if you don’t have power, even if you have major A races scattered through the season, periodization of your training and timing where you will peak is a necessity. In Matt Bosman’s…

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